Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Social Network, 2010

Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake


Upset after a breakup with his girlfriend, Havard student Mark Zuckerberg retires to his dorm for an alcohol fueled rant on his blog and hacks into residence hall databases to create a website where participants can rate the attractiveness of female students. Zuckerberg gains the ire of his female colleagues and a 6 month academic probation for the disruption to the university network.

Taking notice of the stint and its viral popularity, a group of seniors hire Zuckerberg as a programmer for their own social networking page, the HarvardConnection. Progress on the website is minimal and while the situation seems stale, Zuckerberg approaches his friend with an idea to launch Thefacebook, his own idea of a social networking website. The implications are soon realized and just as fast as the site expands, the legal troubles begin to stack up.

THE GOOD : Great performances, dynamic script, tight and fast paced.
THE BAD : A Story about Facebook has its doubters.



I admit I doubted the movie as well. I mean what could possibly have happened that could be made into a feature length movie and 2 hours at that?

I was wrong. The movie is a tapestry of memories and recollections weaving in and out of legal hearings where Zuckerberg and his opponents are trapped in a battle over egos and intellectual property. There's a dynamic about the characters that will have you dying to find out what's next.

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